Slightly insane, but worth it.

Beth Wodzinski Hi, I'm Beth. I create: words and art. I do yoga. I cook tasty food. I publish Shimmer magazine. Now 37% more purple.

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World Fantasy: We Have Arrived!

Published October 29, 2009 - 5 Comments

“Let’s just drive to San Jose,” we said. “Flying sucks and it’s not that far.” Famous last words, etc. Probably the most horrible part was the death-defying narrow concrete chute of construction I had to drive through at dusk on Donner Pass, but there were dozens of other annoyances.

There were some bright spots. We had a lovely lunch at the Winnemucca Pizzaria, an unexpected oasis in the middle of Nevada. Our hotel room is very nice. And best of all, the Fairmont offers free parking if you have a hybrid (regularly $26 a night! Eeek! Or the hassle of finding other parking.).

So I’m even more delighted than usual to have arrived at World Fantasy, and am eager to take on the world tomorrow — after a nice long sleep.


Wendy - October 30, 2009 Reply

Rock on! Have fun you two!

Matt Wodzinski - November 4, 2009 Reply

I’m not sure exactly why, but I am quite enjoying your blog so far :). Are we distant relatives? Regards,

Beth - November 4, 2009 Reply

Hi, Matt! 🙂 It’s certainly possible that we’re distantly related.

Warsaw’s a neat town — I lived in Skierniewice for a year (many years ago) and we visited Warsaw often.

Stephie Herrig - November 8, 2009 Reply

So, just what is World Fantasy? and are you having a fine time?

Beth - November 8, 2009 Reply

Hi Steph! World Fantasy is a major sci fi/fantasy convention. it’s pretty terrific, though exhausing; just full of awesome.

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